Own production
Year: 2012
A series of illustrations showcasing moods and emotions. Moods and emotions can be big, extreme and very difficult to grasp and understand. To express human emotions, Mie used the weather as a metaphor. Like moods and emotions, weather is not a permanent condition.
Buy the illustrations http://www.vokuro.co.uk/artist/mie-frey-damgaard
A series of illustrations about moods and emotions. Moods and emotions can be big, extreme and very difficult to grasp and understand and the illustrations works as a starting point for conversations between adults and children. The illustrations stimulate children’s ability to understand and put into words, how they are feeling and they give the adult a tool to help the children process their emotions.
To express human emotions I have worked with the weather as a metaphor. Like moods and emotions it is not a permanent condition, it represents the volatility in feelings. The change in seasons is a natural cycle; like our emotions, they pass and return.